School Designations

Please scroll down for information on the different designations our schools have:

Blue Ribbon



Please note that designations are determined based on set criteria. Not every school has a designation.

Blue Ribbon

National Blue Ribbon Schools are designated based on their academic excellence or their ability to close the achievement gaps within student subgroups.


Senate Bill 447 supports Victory schools over the 2017-2019 biennium. The purpose of this bill is to address any barriers to improve student achievement. Twenty-two schools in Clark County School District were designated as Victory Schools by the Nevada Department of Education in the highest poverty zip codes. The Nevada Department of Education will support Victory Schools by coordinating goals, objectives, funds, evidence-based interventions and strategies to support greater student achievement and outcomes.


Senate Bill 504 provides services to improve the education of English Learners.  As a result, select schools were designated as CCSD Zoom Schools.

​Zoom Schools receive additional resources including the following:

  • Free pre-kindergarten
  • Free 15 full day Summer Academy or extended school day
  • Zoom Reading Centers and staffing

These efforts are in place to increase academic achievement at campuses with a high percentage of English Learners.