Nevada Educator Performance Framework

This page is used to provide information, resources, and links regarding Nevada Educator Performance Framework (NEPF) evaluations in the Clark County School District.

Questions regarding NEPF evaluations and data collection in CCSD may be directed to Erik Skramstad, Director, PGS and NEPF Department, (702) 799-4747.

Student Learning Goal (SLG) Resources

The District will implement SLGs during the 2024-2025 school year as an essential instructional process to impact student achievement. SLGs for teachers and administrators are due on or before October 8, 2024. The student performance domain (SLG) will be included in the overall rating of the NEPF summative evaluation for the 2024-2025 school year and will account for 15% of the summative evaluation rating. Resources for establishing SLGs and creating performance tasks and rubrics are available in the Student Learning Goals Google Drive folder, including the SLG Template.

NEPF Evaluations

The Nevada Department of Education (NDE) NEPF Summative Evaluation documents for 2024-2025 will be posted on the NDE website and also available from the CCSD Current Evaluations page (site may only be accessed by computers connected to a CCSD network). The Exemption Verification Tool (download .docx file) is only available to post-probationary educators who received a highly effective rating for the two previous consecutive years and have the opportunity to have the final summative evaluation requirement waived, at the discretion of the supervising administrator, for the current year. Administrators should confirm the summative tool to be used for each probationary/post-probationary educator as provided on the Licensed Evaluations spreadsheet from Human Resources in September.

Current versions of the NEPF protocols, rubrics, and other resources are available on the Nevada Department of Education’s NEPF page.

2024-2025 Evaluation Updates and Evaluation Cycle Timeline

Assembly Bill 57 (2021) revised the Student Learning Goal weighting. Assembly Bill 266 (2021) provides specific teachers with scoring weights that are tied to recommended student:teacher class size ratios. Both of these changes are summarized in the NDE NEPF FAQs 2024-2025 document. The Evaluation Cycle Timeline for 2024-2025 is provided to ensure completion of key tasks according to required dates. The Evidence Collection Through Observation Cycles document provides information to ensure evidence collection to support observation cycles.

Evaluations for Other Licensed Positions

In addition to a variety of NEPF resources, the evaluation tools and protocols for other licensed educational personnel (including school counselors, school nurses, school psychologists, teacher-librarians, speech language pathologists, and school social workers) are available on the Nevada Department of Education’s NEPF page.

Alternate Observers and Alternate Evaluators

Assembly Bill 475 (2019) revised the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 391.725 to provide an opportunity to request an Alternate Evaluator for probationary educators who may have been rated as ineffective. NRS 391.690 provides post-probationary educators an opportunity to request an Alternate Observer during the third and final observation cycle if they are currently on Warning Year Status and have been notified that they may be rated as developing or ineffective during the current year based on the first or second observation cycle. Additional information is provided directly to the Region Superintendents, supervising principals, impacted educators, and the designated Alternate Evaluators in August and Alternate Observers in October.

NEPF Evaluations Guidance Documents and Tools

Guidance Documents

NDE guidance documents can be found on the NDE NEPF page. CCSD guidance documents have been developed to assist school administrators in using the Teacher Evaluation Summative Rating Tool:

Teacher Specific Tools

Administrator Specific Tools

Cut Scores

Overall Score Range Final Rating
3.6 – 4.0 Highly Effective
2.8 – 3.59 Effective
1.91 – 2.79 Developing
1.0 – 1.9 Ineffective

Do the NEPF Summative Evaluation Rating Tools work in Google Docs?

The evaluations and documents provided on the CCSD Current Evaluations page (site may only be accessed by computers connected to a CCSD network) are linked to download files that will appear in your Downloads folder. Additionally, these evaluations should be downloaded and opened with the intended software (i.e. Microsoft Excel (.xlsx), Microsoft Word (.doc), or Adobe (.pdf)) as functionality can be negatively impacted and produce unintended formula errors if trying to complete these evaluations using Google or other web-browser viewing and editing modes.

Records Retention for Summative Evaluations

Based on advice from the Office of the General Counsel, including reference to precedents in Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 391.815 and U.S. § 1602.40, records, including observation notes, will be kept for a minimum of six years for licensed employees with pending suspension, demotion, dismissal, or refusal to reemploy at their separation and a minimum of three years for all other licensed employees.