MTSS provides implementation supports to ensure academic, behavioral, and social success. MTSS aligns the entire system of initiatives, supports, and resources, and implements continuous improvement processes throughout the system
Phone: (702) 799-5875
The Leadership and Professional Learning Division engages CCSD employees in high-quality professional learning and innovative leadership opportunities that cultivate motivation, promote engagement, and create equitable pathways for professional growth and career advancement.
Phone: (702) 799-3827
The Assessment, Accountability, Research, and School Improvement Division provides services and supports to
stakeholders to ensure fidelity of assessments and accuracy in data reporting. Professional learning
opportunities include, but are not limited to assessment literacy, data analysis, Nevada School Performance
Framework, school performance planning, and state summative assessments.
Phone: (702) 799-1041
The Curriculum and Instruction Division provides leadership and guidance for all stakeholders to increase
student achievement through standards-based curricula, professional learning, and educational support. In
addition to providing districtwide professional learning events, we can provide school-based professional
learning to meet the needs of teachers, support professionals, and administrators.
Phone: (702) 855-7094
The Education Services Division oversees unique comprehensive and non-traditional schools throughout Clark
County, which serve the most at-risk students who desire, or have been identified, to receive a
non-traditional education.
Phone: (702) 855-9765
The English Language Learner Division works in partnership with schools and divisions to align initiatives
with CCSD’s language development approach by providing guidance on legal obligations and offering professional
learning and support services focused on achieving a culture that values students’ cultural and linguistic
diversity and accelerating language development.
Phone: (702) 799-2137
The Student Services Division provides service and support for the educational achievement of students,
pre-kindergarten through age 21, with exceptionalities, to include, the gifted and talented. In addition, to
providing district wide professional learning events, we can provide school-based professional learning to
meet the needs of teachers, support professionals, and administrators to support student achievement.
Phone: (702) 799-5471
Phone: (702) 799-8650
Phone: (702) 799-8462
Phone: (702) 799-8484
Phone: (702) 799-3355
Phone: (702) 799-8441
Phone: (702) 799-8492
Phone: (702) 799-1038
Phone: (702) 799-6430
Phone: (702) 799-3850