We offer customized assistance and professional development for all CCSD schools to maximize student achievement. Examples of our support include the following:
We facilitate monitoring meetings for CCSD schools to share their goals, progress on implementation, and student achievement to determine the next steps within their SPP. Our schools designated as underperforming meet monthly with the school improvement project facilitators. Using tools like the decision tree, schools determine if they should modify their plan or stay on course.
In collaboration with Nevada Department of Education, components for the online NCCAT-S have been developed to document the school’s journey into self-analysis and discovery of needs on the road to school improvement.
The NCCAT-S Report consists of four sections; curriculum and instruction, assessment and accountability, leadership, and the summary.
The School Improvement Department facilitates this process for required schools and/or upon request.
Please reach out to the project facilitator supporting your school to schedule any of these services.